Why Vaccination Data Will Soon Sink Like A Rock | A Deep Dive

Jayson Frascatore
8 min readMay 5, 2021
Graph made on April 30th, 2021 adding onto Bloomberg vaccine data via CDC

In President Biden’s First 100 days, many milestones were achieved. A diverse cabinet that looks like America, The $1.9T American Rescue Plan which included $1,400 stimulus checks to every American, and the extremely successful vaccine rollout just to name a few. While vaccine data has been soaring higher than expected, expect that data to soon sink like a rock floating to the bottom of the ocean.

The Successful Uphill Climb
On Biden’s Inauguration Day, his original goal of 100 million vaccines administered to every day Americans seemed almost astronomically impossible. Journalists including myself were skeptical. I had even started writing data down on day 1 of the administration making sure I keep track of vaccination numbers every so often to see if he would reach this then-ambitious goal.

On January 21st, one full day into the Biden presidency, I wrote in rough draft: “Today is January 21st, 2021. It is 6:40pm ET and Joe Biden’s 2nd day as president. Vaccine distribution is 37,960,000. Vaccines administered are 17,546,400. This sets the goal post for the Biden administration,” and took this picture of my TV screen:



Jayson Frascatore

I write about languages, politics, current events, and climate change | Curated 25x | Buy me coffee beans https://ko-fi.com/jaysonfras