Understanding Two Languages Can Help You Solve A Rubik’s Cube

Jayson Frascatore
9 min readNov 21, 2021

Anyone can learn a language. We’re born into at least one. More often than not, you will run into someone who speaks two languages. Studies show that 43% of the world’s population is bilingual compared to 40% who are monolingual. The remaining percentage accounts for those who speak more than two languages. On the other hand, about 5.8% of the world’s population can solve a Rubik’s Cube. This number is quite low and there’s no reason it should be. There’s this idea that a Rubik’s Cube takes a high IQ or you need to know tons of math while being a genius all at once. It’s blatantly false. Even the overexaggerated pre-1982 ads paint this false depiction.

Knowing two languages and the ability to solve a Rubik’s Cube may seem impossible to link together to most people, but people may not realize that this fully functional twisty puzzle is exactly like learning a language. The goal is to understand how the world’s most popular puzzle is solved by explaining it in a way that people who understand more than one language, can grasp the basic concept, and can even try it out for themselves.

People who are willingly learning a second language, or are even immersed around another language every day, don’t see language learning as an impossible task. It’s something you pick up over time as your brain comprehends a situation…



Jayson Frascatore

I write about languages, politics, current events, and climate change | Curated 25x | Buy me coffee beans https://ko-fi.com/jaysonfras